Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santa Stories

I know its being "Scrooge"... but I want to stop at this Santa charade that we have to put up every year. I could easily just spill the beans on Santa, but I don't want to be the one to burst the bubble on our 8 year old Julia.

We have this family tradition of opening gifts only on the morning of Dec. 25. That morning, Julia found Santa's gift under the tree...

Nico: "Santa's penmanship is so ugly!" (Referring to the "to and From"" note on the gift tag)
Julia: "No, its not. It's a special kind of font!"
Me: "Yeah, can you imagine? If you were Santa, you have to write on so many tags?" (sounding very defensive)

A few days after Christmas...

Julia: "Daddy, Santa's gift is from Toy Kingdom." (She sounded suspicious and confused)
DH: "Santa needs a lot of toys to give during Christmas, maybe he owns Toy Kingdom!"

yeah right! Maybe Santa's full name is Santa Claus SY! hahahahah

Seriously, if Julia asks me if Santa was real, I'm really itching to spill the beans na!